It’s almost Father’s Day and you’re looking for the perfect thing to write in his card or to add to your gift.
Here are some father’s day poems, quotes and craft ideas for you to add to Daddy’s Father’s Day card this year, or to make a special father’s day gift.
Make sure you check out my special Father’s Day Inkless Print kits to make a special keepsake card for dad or grandad.
I can also turn your baby’s hand and footprints into a beautiful father’s day keepsake artwork to print at home.
Or you could order one of my beautiful family handprint frames as a father’s day gift.

Maybe this will be his First Father’s Day. That’s pretty special! I recommend taking your baby’s hand and footprints with my Inkless Print kit, to create a really precious keepsake or card for him to treasure forever. There’s no ink, paint or mess – just beautiful little hand and footprints.
Sometimes it can be hard to know what to write in his father’s day card, so I’ve got some more inspirational ideas below.
Turn your baby’s hand & footprints prints into a special gift or card for dad. Scroll down for some ideas.
Home made or personalised cards are always the best! So here are some really cute father’s day poems, quotes and message ideas for what to write in you Father’s Day Cards.
Here are some cute Father’s day quotes to add to your father’s day card:
- Your baby is little, but you share BIG love
- Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad
- Dad – a son’s first hero, a daughter’s first love
- Out of all the Fathers in the world, I think I got the best one!
- Fun dad, wise dad, kind dad, strong dad, fair dad, sweet dad, best dad, my dad
- ‘Dads are most ordinary men, turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story tellers and singers of songs’ – Pam Brown
- A truly rich man is one who’s children run into his arms when his hands are empty
- A father carries pictures where his money used to be
- Some people don’t believe in heroes … but they haven’t met my Dad
- Daddies are just Superheroes in disguise
- Dad – tiny little word … great big difference
- Daddy – for the rest of our lives we will walk hand in hand
- To the world you are a dad, to our family you are the world
Here are some Father’s Day Poem ideas to add to your cards and gifts:
1. Make some baby footprints using one of my inkless print kits
Mess free is best and my inkless print kits are perfect for making no mess easy baby footprint and handprints.
If you want to see how they work, check out this video.
Here’s a beautiful Father’s Day poem quote to add to your baby’s footprints too:

‘Walk a little slower, Daddy’, said a little child so small.
‘I’m following in your footsteps and I don’t want to fall.
Sometimes your steps are very fast, sometimes they’re hard to see;
So, walk a little slower Daddy, for you are leading me.
Someday when I’m all grown up, you’re what I want to be.
Then I will have a little child who’ll want to follow me.
And I would want to lead just right, and know that I was true;
So, walk a little slower Daddy, for I must follow you.’
2. Father’s Day card gift with baby handprints.
Some people find it hard to do baby handprints but if you follow my instruction and tips, you can get some really good ones.
When you have your baby handprints you could add a handprint poem like this.
Daddy’s heart will melt and it will be a precious keepsake gift to treasure forever.

‘Ten tiny fingers that always want to play,
That never stop exploring the wonders of today.
Ten tiny fingers that from the very start,
Will reach out for tomorrow, yet always hold your heart.’
3. A simple baby handprint father’s day card idea
This simple idea with one baby handprint is really cute.
You could do this each year for Father’s Day to see how baby has grown. Daddy will love it!

4. I love you from the bottom of my heart to the tips of my toes.
Combine your baby’s hand and footprints with this beautiful Father’s day card or gift idea.

5. It takes a big heart to hold a little hand.
If you haven’t managed to get a handprint, you can draw round your baby’s hand and cut it out in colourful paper.
If your toddler is old enough this could be a fun Father’s Day craft activity and they could draw around their own hand.
Such a beautiful homemade Father’s Day card idea.

4. Following in my Daddy’s Shoes.
Possibly one of my favourites! Make a print with one of Dad’s shoes and then add you baby or toddler’s footprint inside it.
This is so adorable and you could turn it into a Father’s Day card or frame it as a gift.

I hope this has given you some inspiration for Father’s Day and that you have a go at producing some beautiful father’s day cards and gift with these Father’s Day Quotes, Poems and craft ideas.